Archive by Author

Dr. Laird Makes the Doctor’s Who’s Who

Laird Chiropractic and Muscle Therapy owner Dr. Bruce Laird has been chosen for the Honor Edition of Trademark’s Who’s Who Top Doctors for his years of excellent work as a chiropractor in Wenatchee. “The talented professionals profiled in the historic registry share such virtues as determination, courage, patience and discipline,” said Trademark Media and Public […]

Back Pain Relief, Part 4: Gentle Back Bend

This post is one in a series for relieving lower back pain.   When it comes to relieving lower back pain, remember that a little bit of stretching goes a long way — there’s no need to overextend yourself. This gentle back bend can help relieve lower back pain by extending and stretching the muscles […]

Back Pain Relief Part 3: Low back stretches

According to the American Chiropractic Association, 31 million Americans are experiencing lower back pain at any given time. While there are many acute reasons for back pain, such as injuries and stress, sitting for long periods — like so many Americans do at office jobs — can exacerbate the problem. If you are one of […]

Back Pain Relief, Part 2: Low Back Pain

This post is the second in a series on relieving back pain. To relieve low back pain, consider doing this strengthening and stretching exercise. Start on your hands and knees with a flat back. If this bothers your knees, you can put something under them for support, such as a folded blanket or mat.   […]

Back Pain Relief, Part 1: Low Back Pain

This post is the first in a series of recommended stretches to relieve back pain. Many people who go to a chiropractor are looking for back pain relief. Having to manage chronic pain is not only stressful, it ultimately affects the rest of your life – everything begins to center around managing that pain. There […]

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