Archive by Author

Reverse Triangle

Reverse triangle is a powerful stretch to lengthen out your side body. To perform reverse triangle, start with your legs wide apart, your left leg back, and your left foot at a 90 degree angle. Your hips should be facing the same direction as your left toes. Make sure both legs are straight. Raise your arms in […]

Warrior Eagle Pose

Another shoulder opener is the warrior eagle pose. To do this pose, start in a standing lunge, with your left foot back behind you and placed at a 45 degree angle. There should be roughly the distance of the length of one of your legs between your feet. Once you’re feelings steady in your lunge, […]

Open Rotated Warrior

Open rotated warrior is a great stretch for your lower back and shoulders. To perform this stretch, start with your feet hip width apart, toes facing forward. Bring your left leg back so you’re in a lunge, with your left foot at a 45 degree angle. Both hips should be facing forward. If you’re finding […]

Wide Legged Forward Bend Twist

The wide legged forward bend twist is a variation of the last blog post, but with a twist to help loosen the muscles in the spine as well as the shoulders. Start standing, with your feet hip width apart. Widen your legs so that there’s about the length of one of your legs between them. […]

Wide Legged Forward Bend

The wide legged forward bend is a great pose for releasing tension in your shoulders and also giving your inner thighs a gentle stretch. To do this pose, start in a standing position, with your legs about hip width apart. Step wider, until you have roughly the length of one of your legs between your feet. Be […]

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