Archive by Author

Loosen the Lower Back with a Supine Twist

If you’re looking for easy, relaxing ways to loosen your lower back, try the supine twist. This gentle twist can help loosen tight muscles in the lower back, preventing injury and reducing pain. To do the supine twist, start by lying down on a firm but supportive surface, such as a yoga mat. Place your hands […]

Hamstring Stretch for a Better Posture

Stretching is an important way to maintain flexibility, and to prevent pain in your low back. This hamstring stretch will help you gain flexibility, which will protect you from injury and the tight muscles that cause pain. To do this hamstring stretch, lie on a hard but supportive surface, such as a yoga mat. This stretch […]

Hamstring and groin stretch for low back pain

To keep your lower back healthy and strong, it’s important to do several things on a regular basis, especially if you work at a desk or spend a lot of time sitting for your job. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet are important, including getting plenty of exercise. In addition, it’s important to stretch. This […]

Reduce Lower Back Pain: Groin Stretch

If you’re looking for ways to reduce lower back pain, this simple groin stretch can keep your lower back from getting tight. Whether you sit at a desk, consistently lift heavy objects or otherwise find that your lower back is barking at you, this groin stretch can help significantly. To start, lie down on a […]

Wrist Exercises

For office workers and people who use a computer on a regular basis, it is important to have your work space set up in a way that supports healthy posture. Although on this blog we talk a lot about back and neck pain, wrist pain is another worry, especially for people who do a lot […]

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