Archive by Author

Less Access To Chiropractors Equals More Trips To The Doctor, Study Shows

It turns out chiropractic care can reduce the number of trips you take to the doctor if you’re older, according to a study conducted in 2021. Using data from Medicare, the study’s authors collected data from about 39,000 older adults who regularly used chiropractic care but had recently moved to a new location where chiropractors […]

Goodbye Painkillers: Alternative Options for Back & Neck Pain

One of the reasons people visit a chiropractor is because they’re looking for alternatives to taking painkillers for back and neck pain. Often, patients find relief when they use a combination of methods that together can reduce or eliminate the need for drugs such as ibuprofen or even stronger prescriptions for pain management. Before moving […]

Seeing a Chiropractor for TMJ Disorders

Do you grind your teeth? Do you find yourself gritting your teeth a lot because you’re stressed out, or angry, or trying to hold in your emotions? Have you just had an oral surgery? These may be some of the many reasons you might experience jaw pain or TMJ disorders.   The temporomandibular joint is […]

How Chiropractic Care Helps Low Back Pain

When you’re experiencing low back pain, finding a way to make it better becomes top priority. For people who constantly deal with it, back pain becomes important to do more than just relieve the feeling in the moment—it becomes essential to figure out how to prevent the pain from happening at all to save endless […]

Can Chiropractic Care Help My Headache or Migraine?

Headaches and migraine pain are two of the most frequent reasons people seek out chiropractic care. Apart from back pain, head pain drives people to seek relief; chiropractic care is one option to finding it. There are many reasons for headaches, including: Hormonal imbalances Vision issues Too much caffeine Too little caffeine, if you’re a […]

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