Archive by Author

Shoulder Opener: Criss Cross Arms

This relaxing shoulder opener is a gentle, passive way to stretch out tight shoulders, and is great to do at the end of the day. To do the criss cross shoulder opener pose, lay face down on a supportive surface, such as a yoga mat. Cross your arms under your chin, so that you can […]

Shoulder Openers: Thread the Needle

Our continued focus on shoulder openers brings us to thread the needle, a powerful pose for loosening up tightness in the shoulders and upper back. To do the thread the needle stretch, start in a kneeling position on a supportive surface, such as a yoga mat or carpet. Start with your hands planted on the […]

Counteract Slouching with Bow Pose

One of the hazards of doing desk work is sitting slouched over a computer all day. This can cause major back pain and lower productivity over the long run. There are a number of ways to counteract slouching, including investing in a adjustable height workstation (like those available from this Houston office furniture dealer). Another […]

Dolphin Pose for Tight Shoulders

Dolphin is a great pose for tight shoulders. To perform this pose, start in child’s pose, pressing your body into your thighs from a kneeling position on the floor. From child’s pose, walk your hands out in front of you until your arms are fully extended. Drop your forearms to the floor so that they’re parallel […]

Improve Health with a Sit Stand Workstation

Aside from using stretches to improve your lower back health, there’s another option that can greatly improve health for office workers: investing in a sit stand workstation. Many of the health hazards of sitting all day are relieved by the ability vary the position you’re working in. Specifically, it helps significantly improve posture to spend at […]

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