Archive by Author

Sphinx Pose for Low Back Pain

The sphinx pose is a gentle way to help with low back pain. To do this pose, lie down on your stomach on a flat but comfortable surface. The tops of your feet should be on the ground; your lower body should be relaxed. Raise yourself up with your arms and place your elbows on […]

Seated Leg Lift

If you’re one of the many, many people who prefer not to do sit ups but you want to increase your core strength and stability, try the seated leg lift. To do this exercise, sit on the ground with your feet straight out in front of you and your upper body at a right angle […]

Core Exercise for Low Back Pain

This core exercise for low back pain is one of many exercises available to strengthen muscles in the abdomen to increase stability and reduce back pain, especially for people who sit for long periods of time. To perform this exercise, start on hands and knees on the ground. Press into your hands to raise your […]

Ab Exercise for Low Back Pain

Try this ab exercise for low back pain if you experience a lot of pain after sitting for long periods of time. It’s different from a traditional situp, and very effective for strengthening abdominal muscles. Start by sitting on the ground. Bend your knees slightly so your feet are resting on the ground but your […]

Stretch for Tight Hamstrings

If you’re one of many people in the world with back pain, this stretch for tight hamstrings can help. These two variations of the stretch are done with a strap of some kind, so make sure you have something available before you get started. This can be a yoga strap, belt, old tie, scarf, or […]

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