Archive by Author

Your First Chiropractor Appointment: What to Expect

If you’ve never had a chiropractor appointment before, the process may seem mysterious and a bit intimidating. To help ease your fears, here’s a breakdown of what you can expect at your first visit.   When you call to make your first appointment, be sure to tell us whether it’s your first appointment ever with […]

Going to a Chiropractor: The Long-Term Positive Effects

Many people already know about the benefits of going to a chiropractor. However, are you aware that going to a chiropractor can be just as effective as medical care? Fortunately, studies show that chiropractic care helps just as much as medical care in reducing low back pain. In a randomized clinic trial performed in October […]

Low Back Pain: Chiropractic Care as a Cost Effective Treatment

In a study published in the October 2005 Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, authors Mitchell Haas, Rajiv Sharma and Miron Stano sought to better understand the cost effectiveness of chiropractic care. Their study measured clinical outcomes, provider costs and patient satisfaction related to the treatment of lower back pain. The study took place over […]

Who Goes to Chiropractors, and Why?

Chiropractic care has become so commonplace that it’s hard to remember a time when it wasn’t. In the late 1990’s, 42 percent of the U.S. population used alternative healing modalities; 31 percent of the visits within that realm were visits to chiropractors. In a study of 131 chiropractor in six regions, Ian Coulter et. al […]

The Chiropractic Care of Children

The use of chiropractic care in children has been on the rise for decades. In a recent study, Lee et. al predicted that pediatric patients made around 30 million visits to chiropractors in 1997, a 50 percent increase within the previous four years. In a more recent study, Joel Alcantara, Jeanne Ohm and Derek Kunz […]

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