Many people already know about the benefits of going to a chiropractor. However, are you aware that going to a chiropractor can be just as effective as medical care? Fortunately, studies show that chiropractic care helps just as much as medical care in reducing low back pain.
In a randomized clinic trial performed in October 2002, researchers found that chiropractic care was just as effective as medical care in treating back pain. This discovery is based on follow ups the study’s authors did six months after the study with the patients. Six months after treatment, chiropractic patients reported nearly equal reductions in low back pain. This was compared to patients who received medical care alone.
The study took place over a three-year period within a managed care facility. The study followed up with Six hundred eighty-one patients. Study authors followed up with 95.7 percent of them 6 months later. The study divided participants into four groups: medical care with and without physical therapy, and chiropractic care with and without physical therapy.
Controlling for varying amounts of pain, the study showed that chiropractic care by itself showed comparable results with medical care alone. Medical care plus physical therapy showed a slightly better outcome at six months than medical care by itself.
Ready to feel better? Try going to a chiropractor. Contact us at Laird Chiropractic & Muscle Therapy to make an appointment today