Archive by Author

Revolved Extended Side Angle

The revolved extended side angle is a great way to open tight shoulders and also build core strength and leg strength. To do the revolved extended side angle, start in a lunge, with your right foot forward and your knee bent at a 45 degree angle. Extend your left leg straight behind you, so that […]

Back Bend Shoulder Opener

If you work at a desk or at another job that involves crouching over a computer all day, you probably have tight shoulders. This very simple back bend shoulder opener will help loosen the muscles in your shoulders and your back. It’s also a standing pose, which means it’s easy to do anywhere, including next to […]

Eagle Pose for Hip and Shoulder Stretching

Eagle Pose for hip and shoulder stretching not only loosens tight muscles from sitting at a computer all day, but also incorporates balance work. To do eagle pose, stand upright with your feet hip width apart. Slowly start to lean to the right, eventually putting all your weight in your right foot. Bend your right […]

Cow Face Pose for Shoulders

The cow face pose for shoulders is a great way to loosen tight muscles and to help counteract sitting all day bent over a desk. It do cow face pose, sit in a comfortable seated position, either cross legged or kneeling. Raise your right hand over your head, and bend your right elbow, letting your […]

Shoulder Opener for Office Workers

If you spend a lot of time bent over a desk, this shoulder opener will be very helpful in improving and maintaining a healthy posture. To start this pose, start by sitting down on a comfortable and supportive surface, such as a yoga mat. Have a block or a blanket handy to put under your head […]

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