For office workers and people who use a computer on a regular basis, it is important to have your work space set up in a way that supports healthy posture. Although on this blog we talk a lot about back and neck pain, wrist pain is another worry, especially for people who do a lot of typing at their job. First, it can help a lot to buy a pillow or cushion to place under your wrists — ideally, you should have one to rest your wrists on for when you’re typing, and one that sits in front of your mouse — this one may be built into a mouse pad.

Aside from an ergonomic setup, these two wrist exercises can help improve circulation and reduce pain. When done regularly, these exercises can help keep blood flowing and prevent stiff wrists and forearms. Both of these exercises can be done sitting or standing, and take less than a minute to complete.

Extend your left hand so that your elbow is straight, with the fingers pointing up and away from you. Use your right hand to gently bend your fingers back. You should feel this on the underside of your forearm. Breathe deeply as you hold the stretch for 15 to 20 seconds. Switch sides and repeat.

Wrist exercises



For this exercise, extend both your arms out so the elbows are straight and your arms are parallel to the floor. Your palms should be facing away from you, in a double “stop” signal. Gently lower your hands while keeping your arms straight, so that your palms are facing toward you. You should feel this stretch in the top of your forearms and wrists. Breathe deeply and hold the pose for 30 seconds.w



Wrist exercises