Chiropractic care is one of many effective methods to support your immune system. But how does chiropractic promote a healthy immune system? Let’s find out!
The practice of aligning the vertebrae and spine enhances a body’s overall capability to run all its systems properly. That includes your immune system as well. According to medical researchers, the nervous system helps modulate the immune response.
In medical terms, chiropractic manipulation can positively affect T and B-lymphocytes, NK-cell, plasma beta-endorphin, and antibody levels. It also improves phagocytic activity. All these cells are essential elements that help a body’s immune response to function.
Two proteins—immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M—are vital parts of the immune system. Upon comparing the levels of these proteins before and after the chiropractic therapy, researchers found that spinal manipulation increases levels of these proteins.
By improving alignment, chiropractic care can be an essential part of keeping your body healthy, and not just by adjusting joints and skeletal structure. Chiropractic care can be an essential part of keeping your system healthy through a number of methods.