Archive by Author

Bridge Pose

If you’re looking for ways to reduce back pain, consider bridge pose. This pose both loosens tight abdominal muscles and helps to strengthen muscles in the back and legs. Start by lying on your back on a firm yet comfortable surface, such as a yoga mat. Bend your knees so your feet are flat on […]

Cat Cow: A Gentle Back Stretch

If you’ve ever done yoga, you’re likely familiar with cat cow. These two stretches are cornerstones of a yoga practice, from beginner up through advanced classes. They’re gentle back stretches that happen one after another, following the breath. To do cat cow, start in a kneeling position on a firm but comfortable surface, such as […]

Locust Pose for the Low Back

For anyone who has dealt with low back pain, it’s important to know that strengthening those muscles can help to reduce back pain. This simple exercise is from yoga. It’s called locust pose, and can help with strengthening the muscles in the back. To start, lay down your stomach on a firm yet comfortable surface, […]

Kneeling Lunge

This simple kneeling lunge can help you to loosen some of your muscles that could be causing pain and discomfort. This simple exercise stretches tight hip flexors, which can occur if you sit a lot. To do this kneeling lunge, start on a firm but support surface, such as a yoga mat. If you experience […]

Strengthening Abs to Reduce Back Pain

    Aside from stretching out tight muscles, an important part of reducing back pain is to strengthen muscles — especially in your core — to lend more support to your back. Many people consider sit ups to be too intimidating or hard to do, without realizing that even a partial curl up can do […]

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