Chiropractic care has become so commonplace that it’s hard to remember a time when it wasn’t. In the late 1990’s, 42 percent of the U.S. population used alternative healing modalities; 31 percent of the visits within that realm were visits to chiropractors. In a study of 131 chiropractor in six regions, Ian Coulter et. al surveyed 1275 random patients seeking care from those chiropractors.
Seventy percent of the patients reported seeing their chiropractors for back and neck pain. In general, these patients had worse health than the general population. Using the Roland-Morris scoring system, the study’s authors compared back pain levels in chiropractic patients and medical back pain patients and found no significant differences. Overall, chiropractic patients were very satisfied with their care. The study also found that chiropractors and their patients had similar outlooks and beliefs about health care.
Looking for help with your back or neck pain, or another issue that you think a chiropractor may be able to help with? Contact Dr. Laird today to set up an appointment.